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Still Point Contemplative Practices

The contemplative path expands the still point inside us, allowing us to face challenges with more calm and emotional regulation. Attending to our multiple intelligences, we open ourselves to the wisdom inherent in us all. A guide to practices in nature, creating or gazing at art, walking meditations, lectio divina, silent meditation, centering prayer, mindful eating and more, I help deepen capacity, creativity and connection to self and the Sacred. I am a certified Meditation Leader, graduate of The Sage Institute May 2022.


I also offer spiritual direction which I understand to be a relationship and conversation. Deeply listening to your stories, I point to the bits of light, the Sacred, dwelling there. What is the invitation? How can you respond most fully? Why might you resist? 

Spiritual direction is distinct from counseling as I am not a therapist and we are not problem solving, though problems are often solved. I am a certified Spiritual Director, graduate of HeartPaths Spirituality Centre May 2013. I am a follower of Jesus and open to accompanying people from all traditions and none at all. Everyone is welcome!


Welcome...and thank you!

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